Organic Peru

Medium Roast

Tasting Notes

Pear / Caramel / Floral / Cocoa

Origin Peru
Region Junín Province
Farm VRAEM Cooperativa Agraria
Soil Clay minerals
Processing Fully washed and dried in the sun
Harvest May - November
Altitude 1200 - 1800 masl
Variety Caturra, Typica, Catimor
Certifications Organic
About The Bean

VRAEM (Valley of the Rivers Apurimac, Ene and Mantaro) is a cooperative that provides training services, technical assistance, and marketing of specialty coffees and quality cacao, satisfying the demands of different markets. The governance of the cooperative is democratic and seeks to improve the quality of life of members, their families and the community.


Junin has two natural landscapes — mountains and jungle. Because of this, as well as its abundant valleys and gorges, it has countless microclimates that are ideal for coffee growing. The average temperature is around 77 degrees F, and most of the coffee grown here is harvested between March and August and prepared in a washed process.


In Peru, coffee is grown by smallholder producers on farms around three hectares or smaller. Coffee was originally grown in Peru for domestic consumption and was not exported until about 1887.


Of the more than 110,000 producers in Peru, the majority represent a range of indigenous cultures. These remote smallholders hand-pick their coffees and grow them among shade trees. Most of the coffee is produced organically in practice, largely due to a lack of access to chemical inputs. Thanks to many localized cooperatives, certification is widely available.


Dramatic variations in landscape across the country result in arguably more microclimates than any other coffee-growing region. Bordering the South Pacific Ocean, the eastern coastal plains offer temperate weather, which contrasts with the frigid central Andes and western lowland jungle of the Amazon basin. In terms of coffee production, the country is generally divided into north, central and south. Regardless of the region, Peru's proximity to the equator means its coffees grow best at very high altitudes (1,200–1,800 masl) and often in volcanic soil.