Amanda Dennin - Creative Director

Amanda Dennin

Co-founder of 28 West Creative, lifestyle and events photographer, yoga teacher in training, world traveler, marketer, #dogmom, bad ass.

Follow:  IG: @amandadennin

Born and Raised: I was born and raised in the Chicago suburbs and have lived here my entire life.
Living: I’m still in Chicagoland, but the West is calling me. Hopefully I’ll be updating this part of my profile soon.
What Inspires You?: My wonderful partner Jeff inspires me to be the best version of myself every day. He unconditionally supports me (even my craziest ideas!) and I have grown so much since we have met.
Favorite Gear To Travel With: I always travel with a new book and have a goal of finishing it before I come home. My Ricoh GR II has become my favorite little pocket camera. It takes amazing images but allows you to blend in and capture some pretty great street snaps on the road. Also I’d bring our French Bulldog Walter with us anywhere if I could.
Favorite Travel Destination: Traveling to Japan crossed one destination off my bucket list—my paternal grandmother was born there and it far exceeded every expectation. I’m eternally grateful to have had opportunities to travel to new places, connect with new people, learn about different cultures and ways of life, and look forward to continuing in the years ahead.

Elements For Growth: Doing things that scare me, being able to express myself through creating things in various mediums, learning new things and never settling.
Dream Destination: Everywhere I haven’t been yet. If it’s not already apparent, I love to travel and would spend all of my time and money on it if I could. I try to at least see one new place a year and really appreciate that I have been able to do that.
Who would win a fight between Spiderman and Batman?: Batman, hands down.
Couldn’t Live With Out: My yoga mat, family, camera(s), a good attitude and an open mind. And coffee, of course.
Favorite Kind of Day: I love mornings when Jeff and I can ease into the day and don’t have to set an alarm. I’ve got a really good man who makes us coffee every single morning (not even kidding!) and I love to slowly sip it on the couch with our pup between us. We can really be present and enjoy our time together. Working full time and running a side business doesn’t allow for a ton of days like this, but I am so thankful when we can get them.
Nomadic Coffee Favorite: If I’m forced to pick, La Brea Tar Pits is so darn smooth and has such a great finish, but I truly love them all.



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